python - How to execute function after returning Flask response (hosted on Heroku)? -
while i've heared need use called "job queue" i'm new , i've had hard time setting up. how execute function after returning response in flask? walk me through process?
so i've figured out that it's extremely easy , easier on heroku problem documentation quite scattered around , who's discovering job queues may overwhelming.
for example i'm going use reddis go addon on heroku first thing have install dashboard. after set flask app this:
from flask import flask rq import queue redis import redis import os import urllib.parse urlparse app = flask(__name__) def function_to_queue(): return "finished" # tell rq redis connection use , parse url global variable added addon redis_url = os.getenv('redistogo_url') urlparse.uses_netloc.append('redis') url = urlparse.urlparse(redis_url) conn = redis(host=url.hostname, port=url.port, db=0, password=url.password) q = queue(connection=conn) #no args implies default queue @app.route('/') def hello(): ob = q.enqueue(function_to_queue) #add defined function queue return "k?" if __name__ == '__main__':
next have create python script called
code below:
import os import urllib.parse urlparse redis import redis rq import worker, queue, connection listen = ['high', 'default', 'low'] redis_url = os.getenv('redistogo_url') if not redis_url: raise runtimeerror('set redis go first.') urlparse.uses_netloc.append('redis') url = urlparse.urlparse(redis_url) conn = redis(host=url.hostname, port=url.port, db=0, password=url.password) connection(conn): worker = worker(map(queue, listen))
now modify procfile on heroku this:
web: gunicorn hello:app --log-file - worker: python -u
deploy this, make sure have both worker , app started... annnd you're done. hope helps others understanding job queueing faster.
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