how do i get a list of nearby users in an android application? -

i building application ui gets list of nearby users connect minded people similar interests. know not new concept, apps grindr trying achieve in this. how go getting profile info on application phone , displaying on phone running same application? there web-server needed this?

to illustrate user see: user has character bio written , artwork displayed, user b nearby , sees user on home page gridview.

how user b getting info delivered phone? best practices in doing this?

i looked , couldn't find solution posted if has been answered somewhere else appreciate links not contribute duplicate questions. new , needing guidance start getting deeper android programming , question seem keep coming to.

you'd need have users upload current location via webservice every few minutes. store in database (using upsert). when user wants other nearby users, search database users within range , return list. use gis enabled database such postgres witht postgis extention, isn't necessary.

probably idea stick timestamp in database location, can eliminate results old.


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