r - Document a shiny application -
is there way generate documentation r shiny application?
it becomes hard maintain shiny application without documentation.
it seems eco-system of tests/documentation created r package structure. maybe can emulate/extend behavior shiny application?
an example :
a reactive expression typically r shiny element taht can contain complex data structure.
filtered_dat <- reactive({ dx[ name == input$crr & tou == input$tou & plotyear == input$year. & plotmonth == input$season] })
to give more context, here in context of building complete web application using r shiny. business-logic wrapped in separated package(s).
for testing ui think complicated ( 1 can use rselenium example) , generating doc roxygen2
comments parsing. should easy have such tool.
it great question. how create complex clear web application shiny?i believe organize huge project weakness of shiny architecture.
first, shiny creates web in 1 html document. document divided in layers, develop huge application need manage correctly layers. however, thing presents significant problem, how organize code?
well, here, there different ways that. indeed can apply different methods joe cheng:
in case, in huge project implemented mvc pattern adapting shiny architecture.
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