javascript - Populate Datalist from the Database -
am new javascript , php want populate datalist mysql table have difficulties relevant codes presented below.i able fetch data database not able display them in datalist element.
the html code
<form class="form" action="insert.php" method="post" name="access_form"> <ul> <li> <h2>please fill form</h2> </li> <li> <label for="firstname">first name</label> <input name="firstname" id="keyword" type="text" placeholder="type first name (required)" required /> <datalist id="results"> </datalist> </li>
this javascript code
var min_length = 1; $( document ).ready(function() { $("#keyword").keyup(function() { var keyword = $("#keyword").val(); if (keyword.length >= min_length) { $.get( "auto-complete.php", { keyword: keyword } ) .done(function( data ) { $('#results').html(''); var results = jquery.parsejson(data); $(results).each(function(key, value) { $("datalist").empty(); $("datalist").html(data); }) $('.item').click(function() { var text = $(this).html(); $('#keyword').val(text); }) }); } else { $('#results').html(''); } }); $("#keyword").blur(function(){ $("#results").fadeout(500); }) .focus(function() { $("#results").show(); }); });
the php code below
<?php require('constant.php'); require('database.php'); if (!isset($_get['keyword'])) { die(); } $keyword = $_get['keyword']; $data = searchforkeyword($keyword); echo json_encode($data); ?>
please suggestions
it looks $.each
going empty dataset every result.
try instead.
$("datalist").empty(); $(results).each(function(key, value) { $("datalist").append($("<option>").innerhtml(data)); })
you'll creating new option
element , appending datalist
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