javascript - how can I set markers with different colours depending on the markertype, and how to determinate their coordinates?, Im using library -

i starting using openlayers javascript library

i want set dinamic markers diferent colours each device type(cam marker, server marker , on), , tried different ways set this, doesn't work actually. map im developing:

another problem im facing when set coordinates. example: if set [0,0] coordinates on marker, when use click event, marker coordinates [30000,-7.081154551613622e-10].

this code im using display map on

<!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>manotaz soluciones</title> <script src=""></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script src=""></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css"> <script src=""></script>  </head> <body> <div class="container-fluid">   <div class="row-fluid">     <div class="col-md-10 col-md-offset-1">       <div id="map" class="map">         <div id="popup">           <div id="popup-content"></div>         </div>       </div>     </div>   </div> </div>  <script> $( document ).ready(function() {  /**************** drag , drop events ****************/   /**    * define namespace application.    */ = {};   var app =;   /**    * @constructor    * @extends {ol.interaction.pointer}    */   app.drag = function() {, {       handledownevent: app.drag.prototype.handledownevent,       handledragevent: app.drag.prototype.handledragevent,       handlemoveevent: app.drag.prototype.handlemoveevent,       handleupevent: app.drag.prototype.handleupevent     });      /**      * @type {ol.pixel}      * @private      */     this.coordinate_ = null;      /**      * @type {string|undefined}      * @private      */     this.cursor_ = 'pointer';      /**      * @type {ol.feature}      * @private      */     this.feature_ = null;      /**      * @type {string|undefined}      * @private      */     this.previouscursor_ = undefined;    };    ol.inherits(app.drag, ol.interaction.pointer);     /**    * @param {ol.mapbrowserevent} evt map browser event.    * @return {boolean} `true` start drag sequence.    */   app.drag.prototype.handledownevent = function(evt) {     var map =;      var feature = map.foreachfeatureatpixel(evt.pixel,         function(feature, layer) {           return feature;         });      if (feature) {       this.coordinate_ = evt.coordinate;       this.feature_ = feature;     }      return !!feature;   };     /**    * @param {ol.mapbrowserevent} evt map browser event.    */   app.drag.prototype.handledragevent = function(evt) {     var map =;      var feature = map.foreachfeatureatpixel(evt.pixel,         function(feature, layer) {           return feature;         });      var deltax = evt.coordinate[0] - this.coordinate_[0];     var deltay = evt.coordinate[1] - this.coordinate_[1];      var geometry = /** @type {ol.geom.simplegeometry} */         (this.feature_.getgeometry());     geometry.translate(deltax, deltay);      this.coordinate_[0] = evt.coordinate[0];     this.coordinate_[1] = evt.coordinate[1];   };    /**    * @param {ol.mapbrowserevent} evt event.    */   app.drag.prototype.handlemoveevent = function(evt) {     if (this.cursor_) {       var map =;       var feature = map.foreachfeatureatpixel(evt.pixel,           function(feature, layer) {             return feature;           });       var element =;       if (feature) {         if ( != this.cursor_) {           this.previouscursor_ =;  = this.cursor_;         }       } else if (this.previouscursor_ !== undefined) { = this.previouscursor_;         this.previouscursor_ = undefined;       }     }   };    /**    * @param {ol.mapbrowserevent} evt map browser event.    * @return {boolean} `false` stop drag sequence.    */   app.drag.prototype.handleupevent = function(evt) {     this.coordinate_ = null;     this.feature_ = null;     return false;   };   /*************** drag , drop events end *************/ 

you can ignore drag , drop events above, because works fine

  var devices = [     {       'id' : 1,       'device' : 'cam',       'brand' : 'dahua',       'coordinates' : [0,0]     },      {       'id' : 2,       'device' : 'cam',       'brand' : 'vivotes',       'coordinates' : [0,1]     },      {       'id' : 3,       'device' : 'cam',       'brand' : 'dahua',       'coordinates' : [0, 2]     },      {       'id' : 4,       'device' : 'rack',       'brand' : 'dahua',       'coordinates' : [0, 3]     }   ]; 

the code above example of resource want display

  var circle = [];   (var = 0; < devices.length; i++) {      circle[i] = new ol.feature(       new         ol.proj.transform(devices[i].coordinates, 'epsg:4326', 'epsg:3857'),//usar latitud, longitud, coord sys         30000       )     );   } 

on var circle im saving coordinates , size each marker.

  var styles = [     new{       image: new{ //@type {}         anchor: [0.5, 46],         anchorxunits: 'fraction',         anchoryunits: 'pixels',         opacity: 1,         population: 4000,         rainfall: 500       }),        fill: new{         color: [150, 150, 255, 1]       })     })   ]; 

in styles im setting color markers, want change values depending on device type

  // render devices   var objects = new ol.source.vector({ features: circle })   var bullets = new ol.layer.vector({     source : objects,     style: styles   }); 

above im setting markers , styles.

//layers-capaimagen, propiedades imagen principal   var extent = ol.proj.transformextent([-50, 50, 50, -40], 'epsg:4326', 'epsg:3857');   var imgprojection = new ol.proj.projection({     code: 'xkcd-image',     units: 'pixels',     extent: [0, 0, 1024, 968]   });    var capaimagen = new ol.layer.image();   source = new ol.source.imagestatic({     url: 'plano-vertical-knits.jpg',     imageextent: extent,     projection: imgprojection,     center: ol.extent.getcenter(imgprojection.getextent()),     extent: imgprojection.getextent()   });    capaimagen.setsource(source);   //end propiedades imagen principal      //map features before render   var features = {      controls : ol.control.defaults({attribution : false}).extend([ new ol.control.fullscreen() ]),     interactions: ol.interaction.defaults().extend([new app.drag()]),      layers : [capaimagen, bullets],      view: new ol.view({ center: [0, 0], zoom: 3 }),      target : 'map'   };    var map = new; 

above im rendering map features

  // display popup on click   var pops = document.getelementbyid('popup');   var popupcontent = document.getelementbyid('popup-content');    var popup = new ol.overlay({/** @type {olx.overlayoptions} */      element: pops,     autopan: true,     stopevent: false,     positioning: 'bottom-center',     autopananimation: {       duration: 250     }   });     map.addoverlay(popup);     /* events on map */   map.on('click', function(evt) {      var feature = map.foreachfeatureatpixel(evt.pixel, function(feature, layer) {        return feature;     });      if (feature) {        var geometry = feature.getgeometry();       var firstcoord = geometry.getfirstcoordinate();       var lastcoord = geometry.getlastcoordinate();        popup.setposition(firstcoord);       $(pops).popover({         'placement': 'top',         'html': true,         'content': feature.get('name')       });   //var latlong = ol.proj.transform([firstcoord, lastcoord], 'epsg:4326', 'epsg:3857');           popupcontent.innerhtml = '<p>you clicked here:</p><p>'+lastcoord+'</p>';       $(pops).popover('show');     }   });    // change mouse cursor when on marker   map.on('pointermove', function(e) {     if (e.dragging) {        $('#popup-content').empty();       return;     }   });   /* events on map  end */  }); </script> </body> </html> 

on click function im trying coordinates, , coordinates shows me values.

i extracted of codes , added modifications.

  1. style problem

each feature needs have reference properties saved in array devices:

            (var = 0; < devices.length; i++) {                 circle[i] = new ol.feature(                         {geometry: new                                     ol.proj.transform(devices[i].coordinates, ), 'epsg:4326', 'epsg:3857'),//usar latitud, longitud, coord sys                                     1                                     ),                             device: devices[i].device}                 );             } 

additionally, necessary set different style each desired property. should work:

var bullets = new ol.layer.vector({                 source: objects,                 style: function (el, resolution) {//this style function                     console.log(el, el.getproperties().device);                     if (el.getproperties().device === 'cam')                         return styles;                     return styles2;                  }             }); 
  1. problem coordinates think problem in case due projection. defined custom projection (based on pixel) , applied image. map view don't define projection (so remains default epsg:3857). coordinates of circle converted 'epsg:4326' 'epsg:3857'. therefore, values see in popup in epsg:3857 (not longitude , latitude). if decide continue use epsg:3857, should adapt static image coordinates system via:

    source = new ol.source.imagestatic({ ...............
    imageextent: .....

as can find in documentation imageextent extent of image in map coordinates. in code imageextent extent in pixel of image.......


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