numpy - Python: Matrix multiplication error -
i found 2 matrices (mass , stiffness) using scipy.sparse.diags
function , took 1 away other (mass - stiffness). when trying multiply new matrix vector u0
getting following
[ <6x6 sparse matrix of type '<type 'numpy.float64'>' 16 stored elements in compressed sparse row format> <6x6 sparse matrix of type '<type 'numpy.float64'>' 16 stored elements in compressed sparse row format> <6x6 sparse matrix of type '<type 'numpy.float64'>' 16 stored elements in compressed sparse row format> <6x6 sparse matrix of type '<type 'numpy.float64'>' 16 stored elements in compressed sparse row format> <6x6 sparse matrix of type '<type 'numpy.float64'>' 16 stored elements in compressed sparse row format> <6x6 sparse matrix of type '<type 'numpy.float64'>' 16 stored elements in compressed sparse row format>]
i don't understand result - getting 1d array of 6 matrices? if so, why getting , not simple vector?
the following code creating mass / stiffness matrix, finding u0
, dot product
import numpy np import math import scipy scipy.sparse import diags import scipy.sparse.linalg import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot plt def mass_matrix(x0): """finds mass matrix non uniform mesh x0""" x0 = np.array(x0) n = len(x0) - 1 h = x0[1:] - x0[:-1] = np.zeros(n+1) a[0] = 1 j in range(1,n): a[j] = h[j-1]/3 + h[j]/3 a[n] = 1 b = h/6 b[0] = 0 c = h/6 c[-1] = 0 data = [a.tolist(), b.tolist(), c.tolist()] positions = [0,1,-1] mass_matrix = diags(data, positions, (n+1,n+1)) return mass_matrix def poisson_stiffness(x0): """finds poisson equation stiffness matrix nonuniform mesh x0""" x0 = np.array(x0) n = len(x0) - 1 # amount of elements; x0, x1, ..., xn h = x0[1:] - x0[:-1] = np.zeros(n+1) a[0] = 1/h[0] a[1:-1] = 1/h[1:] + 1/h[:-1] a[-1] = 1/h[-1] a[n] = 1/h[n-1] b = -1/h c = -1/h data = [a.tolist(), b.tolist(), c.tolist()] positions = [0, 1, -1] stiffness_matrix = diags(data, positions, (n+1,n+1)) return stiffness_matrix def nodal_quadrature_f(x0): """finds nodal quadrature approximation of sin(pi x)""" x0 = np.array(x0) h = x0[1:] - x0[:-1] n = len(x0) - 1 approx = np.zeros(len(x0)) in range(1,n): approx[i] = math.sin(math.pi*x0[i]) approx[i] = (approx[i]*h[i-1] + approx[i]*h[i])/2 return approx def initial_u(x0): """finds initial u0""" x0 = np.array(x0) h = x0[1:] - x0[:-1] n = len(x0) - 1 mass = mass_matrix(x0) u0phi = nodal_quadrature_f(x0) u0 = scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(mass, u0phi) return u0 def timestepping(x0,theta,t,m): x0 = np.array(x0) h = x0[1:] - x0[:-1] n = len(x0) - 1 dt = t/m u0 = np.array(initial_u(x0)) mass = mass_matrix(x0) stiffness = poisson_stiffness(x0) iteration = - stiffness,u0) print iteration
i appreciate i've been stuck on few hours now.
edit: added information
the 6x6 matrix top recieved after call timestepping([0,0.2,0.5,0.6,0.9,1], 1, 1, 5)
i.e. x0 partition of doman 0 1. theta, t , m irrelevant havent added function yet.
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