objective c - IOS crash only in release -

i have crash can't reproduce , don't understand crashlog. managed symbolize crashlog should bit useful. error when building release (archiving , uploading hockeyapp). can point me in right direction? objective-c , ios knowledge bit lacking:

exception type:  exc_crash (sigabrt) exception codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 triggered thread:  0  ___exceptionpreprocess + 122 _objc_exception_throw + 34 +[nsexception raise:format:] + 108 -[uinib instantiatewithowner:options:] + 852 -[nsbundle(uinsbundleadditions) loadnibnamed:owner:options:] + 160 0x43a2e -[uitableview _delegateviewforheaderinsection:] + 36 ___96-[uitableview _sectionheaderview:withframe:forsection:floating:reuseviewifpossible:willdisplay:]_block_invoke + 82 +[uiview(animation) performwithoutanimation:] + 68 -[uitableview _sectionheaderview:withframe:forsection:floating:reuseviewifpossible:willdisplay:] + 542 -[uitableview _sectionheaderviewwithframe:forsection:floating:reuseviewifpossible:willdisplay:] + 58 -[uitableview _updatevisibleheadersandfootersnow:] + 2374 -[uitableview _updatevisiblecellsnow:isrecursive:] + 2864 -[uitableview layoutsubviews] + 182 -[uiview(calayerdelegate) layoutsublayersoflayer:] + 510 -[calayer layoutsublayers] + 132 ca::layer::layout_if_needed(ca::transaction*) + 356 ca::layer::layout_and_display_if_needed(ca::transaction*) + 12 ca::context::commit_transaction(ca::transaction*) + 220 ca::transaction::commit() + 320 __aftercacommithandler + 128 ___cfrunloop_is_calling_out_to_an_observer_callback_function__ + 16 ___cfrunloopdoobservers + 274 ___cfrunlooprun + 910 _cfrunlooprunspecific + 472 _cfrunloopruninmode + 102 _gseventrunmodal + 132 _uiapplicationmain + 1436 0x28082 _tlv_initializer + 2 

btw, can release build still debug? since nto error when debugging both on 2 different physical devices of simulator ones.

debug builds have no optimisation enabled (-o0), whereas release builds have optimisation enabled (-o3 or -os). can go build settings on xcode in debug configuration , temporarily turn optimisation level - keep other debug goodies (symbols etc) flush out release mode bug.

also, can set release mode:

1.go "project" command in xcode application menu , chose "edit scheme"(shortcut: ⌘< )

2.select "run project name" in left pane

3.in right pane, under "info" tab change "build configuration" "release"

enter image description here


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