1080x1080 photos via Instagram API -


the verge made known latest app versions of instagram uploading photos in 1080x1080 resolution. these photos can sourced via html when browsing site's source code. can these accessed via official instagram api? , if so, how?

not sure why getting down-voted, no, resolution not returned api @ moment. however, can "guessed" other resolutions returned api, change @ time. example, given standard resolution json:

  "standard_resolution": {     "url": "https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/s640x640/e35/sh0.08/11370971_837216559694773_771634899_n.jpg",     "width": 640,     "height": 640   } 

remove size part (s640x640 here) , 2 paths follows (e35/sh0.08 picture, different yours) end url 1080x1080:


this has worked since resolution activated on account. again, wait api.


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