html - How to keep the previous answer selected? (javascript quiz) -
my javascript quiz have both 'next' , 'previous' button. want keep answers selected when click previous/next button.
here jsfiddle link
javascript used check answer:
var correct = 0; var pos = 0; var choice; var allquestions = [ {question:"what 10 + 5?", choices:["15", "12", "10"], answer: "a" }, {question:"what 10 - 5?", choices:["5", "6", "8" ], answer: "a" }, {question:"what 10 * 5?", choices:["50", "60", "70"], answer: "a" }, {question:"what 10 / 5?", choices:["1", "2", "3" ], answer: "b" } ]; function getid(x) { return document.getelementbyid(x) } function renderquestions () { var teststatus = getid("test_status"); var test = getid("test"); if(pos >= allquestions.length) { teststatus.innerhtml = "test completed"; test.innerhtml = "<h2>" + "you got " + correct + " out of " + allquestions.length + "</h2><br/>"; pos = 0; return false }; teststatus.innerhtml = "question " + (pos + 1) + " of " + allquestions.length; var = allquestions[pos].choices[0];; var b = allquestions[pos].choices[1];; var c = allquestions[pos].choices[2]; test.innerhtml = "<h2>" + allquestions[pos].question + "</h2><br/>"; test.innerhtml += '<input type="radio" value="a" name="answerchoice" /> ' + + '<br />'; test.innerhtml += '<input type="radio" value="b" name="answerchoice" /> ' + b + '<br />'; test.innerhtml += '<input type="radio" value="c" name="answerchoice" /> ' + c + '<br /><br />'; if (pos == allquestions.length - 1) { test.innerhtml += '<input type="button" id="next" onclick="prevanswer()" value="prev"> '; test.innerhtml += '<input type="button" id="next" onclick="checkanswer()" value="submit"> '; } else if (pos >= 1) { test.innerhtml += '<input type="button" id="next" onclick="prevanswer()" value="prev"> '; test.innerhtml += '<input type="button" id="next" onclick="checkanswer()" value="next"> '; } else { test.innerhtml += '<input type="button" id="next" onclick="checkanswer()" value="next"> '; } test.innerhtml += '<br /><br /><p id="error"></p>' } choice = document.getelementsbyname("answerchoice"); var checkedanswer = null; function checkanswer() { choice = document.getelementsbyname("answerchoice"); var checkedanswer = null; (var = 0; < choice.length; i++) { if(choice[i].checked) { checkedanswer = choice[i].value; } } if( checkedanswer == null ) { document.getelementbyid("error").innerhtml = 'please select answer' return false; } if (checkedanswer == allquestions[pos].answer){ correct++ } pos++ renderquestions() } function prevanswer() { pos-- renderquestions() }
<div id="header">simple quiz application</div> <div id="test_status"></div> <div id="test"></div>
i know questioned had been asked before. beginner , programmed in different way.
add answer
store answersvar answers = [];
update answers's value when clicked button, let correct calculated @ last.
function checkanswer() {
choice = document.getelementsbyname("answerchoice"); var checkedanswer = null; (var = 0; < choice.length; i++) { if(choice[i].checked) { answers[pos] = choice[i].value; } } if( answers[pos] == null ) { document.getelementbyid("error").innerhtml = 'please select answer' return false; } pos++ renderquestions()
alter input after render complete set check radio
if (typeof answers[pos] !== undefined) { var radios = document.getelementsbyname('answerchoice'); var rlen = radios.length, i; (i = 0; < rlen; ++i) { if (answers[pos] === radios[i].value) { radios[i].checked = true; } } }
calculate result on output
if(pos >= allquestions.length) { // check answers var qlen = allquestions.length, correct = 0; (var = 0; < qlen; ++i) { if (answers[i] === allquestions[i].answer) { ++correct; } } teststatus.innerhtml = "test completed"; test.innerhtml = "<h2>" + "you got " + correct + " out of " + allquestions.length + "</h2><br/>"; pos = 0; return false };
with worked jsfiddle
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