Pagination not working AngularJS 1.4 with ui-bootstrap -
here's have (i've tried numerous things other answers , tutorials no avail):
var app = angular.module("simpleimagereview", ['ui.bootstrap']);
app.controller("imgviewerctrl", function($scope, $http) { $scope.imglist = []; $http.get("").success( function(data, status, headers, config) { $ = data; $scope.totalimgs = $; $scope.totalpages = $; $scope.currentpage = $; $scope.imglist = $; $scope.imgsperpage = 10; }); });
index.html (stripped down):
... header, imports, etc. - no issues <body ng-app="simpleimagereview"> <div ng-controller="imgviewerctrl"> <ul> <li> <li ng-repeat="img in imglist"> <img src="{{img.local_path}}" border="0" width="153" height="204"> </li> </ul> <pagination total-items="totalimgs" items-per-page="imgsperpage" ng-model="currentpage" max-size="totalpages" class="pagination-sm" boundary-links="true"> </pagination> </div> </body> ... footer, more imports - no issues
the images display fine api working intended. clicking on next page nothing. imagine somehow need update view not sure how go this.
what doing wrong?
you need manually create new array containing subset of objects displayed on current page. point ng-model array not whole data array. on page load, assuming want begin on first page:
$scope.paginatedlist = $scope.imglist.slice(0, $scope.imgsperpage);
you need use ng-change directive on pagination directive can use update paginatedlist when $scope.currentpage changes.
in html...
<pagination ng-change="pagechanged()" total-items="totalimgs" items-per-page="imgsperpage" ng-model="currentpage" max-size="totalpages" class="pagination-sm" boundary-links="true"> </pagination>
in controller...
$scope.paginatedlist = $scope.imglist.slice(0, $scope.imgsperpage); function pagechanged(){ var begin = (($scope.currentpage - 1) * $scope.imgsperpage), end = begin + $scope.imgsperpage; $scope.paginatedlist = $scope.imglist.slice(begin, end); }
here working plunker
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