arrays - Matlab : Storing large numbers -
my csv file looks this
'have', 1436271616097.0, 33.0, 'nochange', 1436271538982.0 'four', 1436271616130.0, 466.0, 'nochange', 1436271538982.0 'have', 1436271616596.0, 467.0, 'nochange', 1436271538982.0 'four', 1436271617063.0, 100.0, 'nochange', 1436271538982.0
i tried using [num, txt, raw] = csvread('test.csv')
shows error saying many output arguments.
i tried converting csv file .xlsx changes numbers this,
have 1.44e+12 33 nochange 1.44e+12 4 1.44e+12 466 nochange 1.44e+12 have 1.44e+12 467 nochange 1.44e+12 4 1.44e+12 100 nochange 1.44e+12 minutes 1.44e+12 666 nochange 1.44e+12
then used [num, txt, raw] = xlsread('test.xls')
problem if display eyet = vpa(eyet(:,1))
shows same float value. how can use textscan this?
this short example using textscan
mentioned csv-file. gives cell array each column.
% reading data file = fopen('file.csv'); f = textscan(file,'%s %f %f %s %f','delimiter',','); format long % show digits of large number celldisp(f) % display values of cells
this result:
f{1}{1} = 'have' f{1}{2} = 'four' f{1}{3} = 'have' f{1}{4} = 'four' f{2} = 1.0e+12 * 1.436271616097000 1.436271616130000 1.436271616596000 1.436271617063000 f{3} = 33 466 467 100 f{4}{1} = 'nochange' f{4}{2} = 'nochange' f{4}{3} = 'nochange' f{4}{4} = 'nochange' f{5} = 1.0e+12 * 1.436271538982000 1.436271538982000 1.436271538982000 1.436271538982000
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