vb.net - Run time error - 2147220973 (80040213) The transport failed to connect to the server while sending mail from vb6 -

i making 1 application in vb6 sends mail application, gives me

run time error - 2147220973 (80040213) transport failed contact server

, did given solution gives before

please if 1 knows solution.

code: code:

{ mstrprocname = "monthlyxlmail_employeeperformance" sfilepath = (app.path & "\timetaken.xls")   iconf.load -1  set flds = iconf.fields set lobj_cdomsg = new cdo.message  lobj_cdomsg.configuration.fields(cdosmtpserver) = trim(rsmail!serverurl) lobj_cdomsg.configuration.fields(cdosmtpserverport) = cint(trim(rsmail!port)) lobj_cdomsg.configuration.fields(cdosmtpusessl) = iif(rsmail!reqssl = "y", true, false)  lobj_cdomsg.configuration.fields(cdosmtpauthenticate) = cdobasic lobj_cdomsg.configuration.fields(cdosendusername) = trim(rsmail!emailid) lobj_cdomsg.configuration.fields(cdosendpassword) = trim(rsmail!emailpassword)                         lobj_cdomsg.configuration.fields(cdosmtpconnectiontimeout) = 30  lobj_cdomsg.configuration.fields(cdosendusingmethod) = cdosendusingport lobj_cdomsg.configuration.fields.update  lobj_cdomsg.to = trim(strmail)  lobj_cdomsg.from = trim(rsmail!emailid)  lobj_cdomsg.subject = iif(len(trim(txtsubject.text)) = 0, "performance report", trim(txtsubject.text))  lobj_cdomsg.textbody = iif(len(trim(txtdescription.text)) = 0, "find attachment", trim(txtdescription.text))  'lobj_cdomsg.htmlbody = strmsg lobj_cdomsg.addattachment (sfilepath)  lobj_cdomsg.send } 

are using gmail 2 factor auth? prevents using smtp basic authentication.

create custom app in gmail security settings add new password messaging application.

1. login gmail account 2. goto https://security.google.com/settings/security/apppasswords 3. choose 'custom' app. 4. typ 'gmail smtp', or 5. click 'generate' 6. give password token. 

use token password in messaging application instead of own password.


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