Converting a C struct into Python to be sent through a socket -

i'm updating old, large piece of software written in c sends struct through socket server. updated software written in python, means need send same information in same byte layout c struct in python. i'm aware of python package struct, , use it. problem is, struct absolutely huge. give idea, here's snipet:

// struct wish send   typedef struct {     struct st_command_header header;      union {         char buffer[32];         struct set_360_camera_message camera_msg;         struct u_olcd_msg olcd_msg;     };     } struct_to_be_set stc;   // supporting structs  struct st_command_header {   union  u_all_types len;   union  u_all_types cmd;   union  u_all_types cmd_counter;   union  u_all_types items; } __attribute__((packed));  struct u_olcd_msg {     // on 100 lines of fields fill }  // other structs necessary 

as understand it, struct python package requires manually pack struct, difficult given size of struct , number of union statements. ideally, i'd way utilize existing code generating struct in c somehow transferring on bytes python code socket. there way this? have looked ctypes , swig, didn't see easy way byte representation c code.


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