c# - "Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: typeName" when receiving queue messages -

i have error above

"value cannot null.\r\nparameter name: typename"

this stack trace:

>     "   @ system.runtimetype.gettype(string typename, boolean throwonerror, boolean ignorecase, boolean reflectiononly, > stackcrawlmark& stackmark)\r\n   @ system.type.gettype(string > typename, boolean throwonerror)\r\n   @ > x.queuehelper.getbody[t](brokeredmessage brokeredmessage)\r\n   @ > x.queuehelper.<>c.<receivemessage>b__3_0(brokeredmessage message)" 

the code have follows

i send message without exceptions(this controller action)

[httppost]         [validateantiforgerytoken]         public actionresult create([bind(include="id,nombre,nit,nombrerepresentantelegal,telefonorepresentantelegal,nombrecontacto,telefonocontacto,propiedadesextra")] empresa empresa)         {             if (modelstate.isvalid)             {                 var propiedadeslist = formvalues in request.form.todictionary()                                       join propiedades in unitofwork.propiedadrepository.get() on formvalues.key equals propiedades.nombre                                       propiedades.entidad.nombre == "empresa"                                       select new { clave = formvalues.key, valor = formvalues.value };                 xelement el = new xelement("root",propiedadeslist.select(kv => new xelement(kv.clave, kv.valor)));                 empresa.propiedadesextra = el.tostring();                  queuehelper.sendmessage("empresa", empresa, queueconnectionstring);                 //unitofwork.empresarepository.insert(empresa);                 //unitofwork.save();                  return redirecttoaction("index");             }              return view(empresa);         } 

the sendmessage this:

 public static void sendmessage<t>(string queuname, t objeto, string connectionstring)         {             queueclient client =queueclient.createfromconnectionstring(connectionstring, "empresa");             brokeredmessage message = new brokeredmessage(objeto);             message.contenttype = objeto.gettype().name;             client.send(new brokeredmessage(message));         } 

then on console application want receive messages process them.

so have this:

  static void main(string[] args)         {             try             {                 string connectionstring = cloudconfigurationmanager.getsetting("microsoft.servicebus.connectionstring");                 console.writeline("press key continue");                 console.readkey();                 queuehelper.receivemessage("empresa", connectionstring);             }             catch (exception ex)             {                 throw ex;             }         } 

and this:

public static void receivemessage(string queuname, string connectionstring)     {         queueclient client = queueclient.createfromconnectionstring(connectionstring, "empresa");          // configure callback options         onmessageoptions options = new onmessageoptions();         options.autocomplete = false;         options.autorenewtimeout = timespan.fromminutes(1);          // callback handle received messages         client.onmessage((message) =>         {             try             {                 empresa empresa = getbody<empresa>(message);                 // process message queue                 //console.writeline("body: " + );                 console.writeline("messageid: " + message.messageid);                  // remove message queue                 message.complete();             }             catch (exception ex)             {                 // indicates problem, unlock message in queue                 message.abandon();             }         }, options);     } 

and getbody method

public static t getbody<t>(brokeredmessage brokeredmessage)         {             var ct = brokeredmessage.contenttype;             type bodytype = type.gettype(ct, true);              var stream = brokeredmessage.getbody<stream>();             datacontractserializer serializer = new datacontractserializer(bodytype);             xmldictionaryreader reader = xmldictionaryreader.createbinaryreader(stream, xmldictionaryreaderquotas.max);             object deserializedbody = serializer.readobject(reader);             t msgbase = (t)deserializedbody;             return msgbase;         } 

apparently problem in line:

type bodytype = type.gettype(ct, true);


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