iot - I'm trying to send temperature data from arduino to thingspeak through ESP8266, But I don't have code to configure my wifi. Please help me -

i'm trying send temperature data arduino thingspeak through esp8266, don't have code configure wifi. i'm searching code last 2 days, not working. please provide me code connect local wifi using ssid , password.

#include <softwareserial.h> #define buffer_size 512 #define get_size 64 #define dbg serial  // usb local debug #include <dht11.h>  dht11 dht11;  #define dht11pin 7 int ledpin = 13; int lightlevel; string apikey = "20ympja0xii0ief4"; softwareserial ser(2,3); softwareserial esp(11, 12); string ssid = "atl-wl"; string pass = "atl#yd81"; string serverport = "80";  char buffer[buffer_size]; // don't touch char get_s[get_size]; char okrn[] = "ok\r\n"; // don't touch  string currentcommand = "0000";  byte waitforesp(int timeout, char* term = okrn) {   unsigned long t = millis();   bool found = false;   int = 0;   int len = strlen(term);   while (millis() < t + timeout) {     if (esp.available()) {       buffer[i++] =;       if (i >= len) {         if (strncmp(buffer + - len, term, len) == 0) {           found = true;           break;         }       }     }   }   buffer[i] = 0;   dbg.print(buffer);   return found; } //celsius fahrenheit conversion double fahrenheit(double celsius) {   return 1.8 * celsius + 32; }  //celsius kelvin conversion double kelvin(double celsius) {   return celsius + 273.15; }  double dewpoint(double celsius, double humidity) {   // (1) saturation vapor pressure = esgg(t)   double ratio = 373.15 / (273.15 + celsius);   double rhs = -7.90298 * (ratio - 1);   rhs += 5.02808 * log10(ratio);   rhs += -1.3816e-7 * (pow(10, (11.344 * (1 - 1/ratio ))) - 1) ;   rhs += 8.1328e-3 * (pow(10, (-3.49149 * (ratio - 1))) - 1) ;   rhs += log10(1013.246);          // factor -3 adjust units - vapor pressure svp * humidity   double vp = pow(10, rhs - 3) * humidity;          // (2) dewpoint = f(vapor pressure)   double t = log(vp/0.61078);   // temp var   return (241.88 * t) / (17.558 - t); }  double dewpointfast(double celsius, double humidity) {   double = 17.271;   double b = 237.7;   double temp = (a * celsius) / (b + celsius) + log(humidity*0.01);   double td = (b * temp) / (a - temp);   return td; } void setup() {    pinmode(13, output); // debugging purposes w/o usb   // set baud rates   digitalwrite(13, high);   esp.begin(9600);   dbg.begin(9600);   ser.begin(9600);   dbg.println("debug: running setup");   // reset esp, test, configure, connect, start server   esp.println("at+rst"); // reset   waitforesp(4000);   esp.println("at"); // test   waitforesp(2000);   esp.println("at+cwmode=1"); // set client mode   waitforesp(2000);   esp.println("at+cwjap=\"" + ssid + "\",\"" + pass + "\""); // join ap   delay(8000); // joining slow...   waitforesp(6000);   esp.println("at+cipmux=1"); // allow multiple connections   waitforesp(2000);   esp.println("at+cipserver=1," + serverport); // start server on port   waitforesp(2000);   esp.println("at+cifsr");   waitforesp(1000);   dbg.println("debug: setup complete\n\n");   digitalwrite(13, low);     ser.println("at+rst"); }  void loop() {     // blink led on board   digitalwrite(ledpin, high);      delay(200);                  digitalwrite(ledpin, low);   int lightlevel = analogread(a0);   serial.println("\n");    int chk =;    serial.print("read sensor: ");   switch (chk)   {     case dhtlib_ok:      serial.println("ok");      break;     case dhtlib_error_checksum:      serial.println("checksum error");      break;     case dhtlib_error_timeout:      serial.println("time out error");      break;     default:      serial.println("unknown error");      break;   }    serial.print("humidity (%): ");   serial.println((float)dht11.humidity, 2);    serial.print("temperature (°c): ");   serial.println((float)dht11.temperature, 2);    serial.print("temperature (°f): ");   serial.println(fahrenheit(dht11.temperature), 2);    serial.print("temperature (°k): ");   serial.println(kelvin(dht11.temperature), 2);    serial.print("dew point (°c): ");   serial.println(dewpoint(dht11.temperature, dht11.humidity));    serial.print("dew pointfast (°c): ");   serial.println(dewpointfast(dht11.temperature, dht11.humidity));   serial.print("light level: ");   serial.println(lightlevel);   esp_8266(); } void esp_8266() {  // convert string   char buf[32];   string strtemp = dtostrf( dht11.temperature, 4, 1, buf);   serial.print(strtemp);   serial.println(" c");   // tcp connection   string cmd = "at+cipstart=\"tcp\",\"";   cmd += ""; //   cmd += "\",80";   ser.println(cmd);    if(ser.find("error")){     serial.println("at+cipstart error");     return;   }    // prepare string   string getstr = "get /update?api_key=";   getstr += apikey;   getstr +="&field1=";   getstr += string(strtemp);   getstr += "\r\n\r\n";    // send data length   cmd = "at+cipsend=";   cmd += string(getstr.length());   ser.println(cmd);    if(ser.find(">")){     ser.print(getstr);   }   else{     ser.println("at+cipclose");     // alert user     serial.println("at+cipclose");   }    // thingspeak needs 15 sec delay between updates   delay(5000);   } // // end of file // 

i don't have device nor way test results simple google search resulted in following:



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