django - Do not require authentication for GET requests from browser -

this question closely related do not require authentication options requests


rest_framework = {     'unicode_json': true,     'non_field_errors_key': '__all__',     'default_authentication_classes': (         'rest_framework.authentication.tokenauthentication',     ),     'default_permission_classes': (         'platformt_core.something.permissions.djangoobjectpermissionsoroptions',     ),     'default_renderer_classes': (         'rest_framework.renderers.jsonrenderer',     ),     'allowed_versions': ['v1'],     'default_versioning_class': 'rest_framework.versioning.namespaceversioning',     'test_request_default_format': 'json',     'test_request_renderer_classes': (         'rest_framework.renderers.jsonrenderer',     ) } 


from rest_framework.permissions import djangoobjectpermissions  options_method = 'options'  class djangoobjectpermissionsoroptions(djangoobjectpermissions):     def has_permission(self, request, view):         if request.method == options_method:             return true         else:             return super(djangoobjectpermissions, self).has_permission(request, view) 

when request browser:

get /api/passenger/v1/order/ http/1.1 host: connection: keep-alive cache-control: max-age=0 accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8 user-agent: mozilla/5.0 (x11; linux x86_64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, gecko) chrome/42.0.2311.135 safari/537.36 accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch accept-language: en-us,en;q=0.8 cookie: csrftoken=3xytvl8oh2pjxcss1ufi9tizmotc5pix 

i expect neat "self describing apis" described @

but instead get:

http/1.0 401 unauthorized date: wed, 08 jul 2015 20:45:23 gmt server: wsgiserver/0.1 python/2.7.6 content-type: application/json;q=0.8; charset=utf-8 www-authenticate: token allow: post, options  {"detail":"authentication credentials not provided."} 

is there neat way achieve that? mean have browseable api, api requests should still secured authentication.

can't use?

'default_permission_classes': ('rest_framework.permissions.isauthenticatedorreadonly',) 

this allow read-only access unauthenticated users.


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