vb.net - Sending And Receiving Messages To/from Command Prompt -

i'm using vb 2010. problem is:

i can send , display sent command in textbox without problem when try use .exe in cmd can't display in textbox source code is:

 private results string      'the "delegate" used correct threading issue (can't update control directly in vb.net 08/10), , invokes needed text update.     private delegate sub delupdate()     private finished new delupdate(addressof updatetext)     private sub updatetext()         textbox2.text = results     end sub      private sub form1_load(byval sender system.object, byval e system.eventargs) handles mybase.load      end sub      private sub button1_click(byval sender system.object, byval e system.eventargs) handles button1.click         dim cmdthread new threading.thread(addressof cmdautomate)         cmdthread.start()     end sub      private sub cmdautomate()          dim myprocess new process         dim startinfo new system.diagnostics.processstartinfo          'starts cmd prompt         startinfo.filename = "cmd.exe"         startinfo.redirectstandardinput = true         startinfo.redirectstandardoutput = true          'required redirect         startinfo.useshellexecute = false          'disables creation of cmd prompt outside application.         startinfo.createnowindow = true           myprocess.startinfo = startinfo         myprocess.start()         dim sr system.io.streamreader = myprocess.standardoutput         dim sw system.io.streamwriter = myprocess.standardinput          'runs command entered...         sw.writeline(textbox1.text)          'exits cmd prompt          sw.writeline("exit")          'displayes results...         results = sr.readtoend         sw.close()         sr.close()          'invokes finished delegate, updates textbox results text         invoke(finished)     end sub end class 

for example when use command fastboot @ cmd

usage: fastboot [ <option> ] <command>  commands:   update <filename>                        reflash device update.zip   flashall                                 flash boot + recovery + system   flash <partition> [ <filename> ]         write file flash partition   erase <partition>                        erase flash partition   format <partition>                       format flash partition   getvar <variable>                        display bootloader variable   boot <kernel> [ <ramdisk> ]              download , boot kernel   flash:raw boot <kernel> [ <ramdisk> ]    create bootimage , flash   devices                                  list connected devices   continue                                 continue autoboot   reboot                                   reboot device   reboot-bootloader                        reboot device bootloader                                       show message  options:   -w                                       erase userdata , cache (and format                                            if supported partition type)   -u                                       not first erase partition before                                            formatting   -s <specific device>                     specify device serial number                                            or path device port   -l                                       "devices", lists device paths   -p <product>                             specify product name   -c <cmdline>                             override kernel commandline   -i <vendor id>                           specify custom usb vendor id   -b <base_addr>                           specify custom kernel base   address   -n <page size>                           specify nand page size.   default: 2048   -s <size>[k|m|g]                         automatically sparse files greater th                                            size.  0 disable 

but when use program

microsoft windows [version 6.1.7600] copyright (c) 2009 microsoft corporation. tous droits r‚serv‚s.  c:\users\badro@istambul\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\windowsapplication1\windowsapplication1\bin\debug>fastboot   c:\users\badro@istambul\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\windowsapplication1\windowsapplication1\bin\debug>exit 

the syntax output fastboot.exe when ran without arguments displayed through error stream; use redirectstandarderror capture this;

startinfo.redirectstandarderror = true dim se system.io.streamreader = myprocess.standarderror 


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