apache - Vagrant provisioning fails -
so after created similar vm, vagrant fails provision:
==> default: info: /stage[main]/apache::mod::worker/apache::mpm[worker]/file[/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/worker.load]: scheduling refresh of class[apache::service] ==> default: notice: /stage[main]/apache::mod::worker/file[/etc/apache2/mods-available/worker.conf]/ensure: defined content '{md5}59cf27b20f14393692303b41f3071df6' ==> default: info: /stage[main]/apache::mod::worker/file[/etc/apache2/mods-available/worker.conf]: scheduling refresh of class[apache::service] ==> default: notice: /stage[main]/apache::mod::worker/apache::mpm[worker]/file[/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/worker.conf]/ensure: created ==> default: info: /stage[main]/apache::mod::worker/apache::mpm[worker]/file[/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/worker.conf]: scheduling refresh of class[apache::service] ==> default: info: /stage[main]/apache::mod::cgid/file[cgid.conf]: filebucketed /etc/apache2/mods-available/cgid.conf puppet sum e8a2836392051bde889cf9c137058273 ==> default: notice: /stage[main]/apache::mod::cgid/file[cgid.conf]/content: content changed '{md5}e8a2836392051bde889cf9c137058273' '{md5}7dffbb5823bcbb9ab4d3e67ab14d38a0' ==> default: info: /stage[main]/apache::mod::cgid/file[cgid.conf]: scheduling refresh of class[apache::service] ==> default: notice: /stage[main]/apache::mod::cgid/apache::mod[cgid]/file[cgid.conf symlink]/ensure: created ==> default: info: /stage[main]/apache::mod::cgid/apache::mod[cgid]/file[cgid.conf symlink]: scheduling refresh of class[apache::service] ==> default: notice: /stage[main]/apache::mod::cgid/apache::mod[cgid]/file[cgid.load symlink]/ensure: created ==> default: info: /stage[main]/apache::mod::cgid/apache::mod[cgid]/file[cgid.load symlink]: scheduling refresh of class[apache::service] ==> default: notice: /stage[main]/main/apache::vhost[default_vhost_80]/concat::fragment[default_vhost_80-directories]/file[/var/lib/puppet/concat/10-default_vhost_80.conf/fragments/60_default_vhost_80-directories]/ensure: defined content '{md5}c0f5d086c1fb77355364fde626855125' ==> default: info: /stage[main]/main/apache::vhost[default_vhost_80]/concat::fragment[default_vhost_80-directories]/file[/var/lib/puppet/concat/10-default_vhost_80.conf/fragments/60_default_vhost_80-directories]: scheduling refresh of exec[concat_10-default_vhost_80.conf] ==> default: notice: /stage[main]/main/apache::vhost[default_vhost_80]/concat[10-default_vhost_80.conf]/exec[concat_10-default_vhost_80.conf]/returns: executed ==> default: notice: /stage[main]/main/apache::vhost[default_vhost_80]/concat[10-default_vhost_80.conf]/exec[concat_10-default_vhost_80.conf]: triggered 'refresh' 9 events ==> default: notice: /stage[main]/apache::default_mods/apache::mod[env]/file[env.load symlink]/target: target changed '../mods-available/env.load' '/etc/apache2/mods-available/env.load' ==> default: info: /stage[main]/apache::default_mods/apache::mod[env]/file[env.load symlink]: scheduling refresh of class[apache::service] ==> default: notice: /stage[main]/main/puphpet::php::module[intl]/php::module[intl]/package[phpmodule_intl]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' 'present' ==> default: info: /stage[main]/main/puphpet::php::module[intl]/php::module[intl]/package[phpmodule_intl]: scheduling refresh of service[php5-fpm]
and fails somewhere here:
==> default: notice: /stage[main]/main/service[php5-fpm]: triggered 'refresh' 13 events ==> default: running provisioner: shell...
and error log being super general
the provider vagrant-managed machine reporting not yet ready ssh. depending on provider can carry different meanings. make sure machine created , running , try again. additionally, check output of `vagrant status` verify machine in state expect. if continue error message, please view documentation provider you're using.
machine status:
default aborted (virtualbox)
after trying again, status changes to
default running (virtualbox)
however, apache2 remains unconfigured.
this machine working well, until computer shut down unexpectedly.
vagrantfile configured puphpet:
vagrantfile: target: local vm: box: puphpet/ubuntu1404-x64 box_url: puphpet/ubuntu1404-x64 hostname: local.puphpet memory: '4096' cpus: '1' chosen_provider: virtualbox network: private_network: forwarded_port: vflnp_s2r52zqm9il5: host: '5105' guest: '22' post_up_message: '' provider: virtualbox: modifyvm: natdnshostresolver1: on vmware: numvcpus: 1 parallels: cpus: 1 provision: puppet: manifests_path: puphpet/puppet manifest_file: site.pp module_path: puphpet/puppet/modules options: - '--verbose' - '--hiera_config /vagrant/puphpet/puppet/hiera.yaml' - '--parser future' synced_folder: vflsf_jsyjt6qqjv6g: source: ./ target: /var/www/some sync_type: default rsync: args: - '--verbose' - '--archive' - '-z' exclude: - .vagrant/ - .git/ auto: 'true' owner: www-data group: www-data usable_port_range: start: 10200 stop: 10500 ssh: host: null port: null private_key_path: null username: vagrant guest_port: null keep_alive: true forward_agent: false forward_x11: false shell: 'bash -l' vagrant: host: detect server: install: '1' packages: { } users_groups: install: '1' groups: { } users: { } firewall: install: '1' rules: { } cron: install: '1' jobs: { } nginx: install: '0' settings: default_vhost: 1 proxy_buffer_size: 128k proxy_buffers: '4 256k' upstreams: { } vhosts: nxv_waoqjnfx3bdq: server_name: awesome.dev server_aliases: - www.awesome.dev www_root: /var/www/awesome listen_port: '80' index_files: - index.html - index.htm - index.php client_max_body_size: 1m ssl: '0' ssl_cert: '' ssl_key: '' ssl_port: '443' ssl_protocols: '' ssl_ciphers: '' rewrite_to_https: '1' spdy: '1' locations: nxvl_dxl1t6uo4ne5: location: / autoindex: off try_files: - $uri - $uri/ - /index.php$is_args$args fastcgi: '' fastcgi_index: '' fastcgi_split_path: '' nxvl_sz4s0mdyj1l7: location: '~ \.php$' autoindex: off try_files: - $uri - $uri/ - /index.php$is_args$args fastcgi: '' fastcgi_index: index.php fastcgi_split_path: '^(.+\.php)(/.*)$' fast_cgi_params_extra: - 'script_filename $request_filename' - 'app_env dev' proxies: { } apache: install: '1' settings: user: www-data group: www-data default_vhost: true manage_user: false manage_group: false sendfile: 0 modules: - proxy_fcgi - rewrite vhosts: av_3e4zn3m5qrj8: servername: rusroads.dev docroot: /var/www/some port: '80' setenv: - 'app_env dev' custom_fragment: '' ssl: '0' ssl_cert: '' ssl_key: '' ssl_chain: '' ssl_certs_dir: '' ssl_protocol: '' ssl_cipher: '' directories: avd_wji3ysov16ho: path: /var/www/some options: - indexes - followsymlinks - multiviews allow_override: - require: - 'all granted' custom_fragment: '' files_match: avdfm_y8f6jikawjc0: path: \.php$ sethandler: 'proxy:fcgi://' custom_fragment: '' provider: filesmatch provider: directory php: install: '1' settings: version: '56' modules: php: - cli - intl - mcrypt pear: { } pecl: - pecl_http ini: display_errors: on error_reporting: '-1' session.save_path: /var/lib/php/session date.timezone: utc fpm_ini: error_log: /var/log/php-fpm.log fpm_pools: phpfp_ljtz845og4bc: ini: prefix: www listen: '' security.limit_extensions: .php user: www-user group: www-data composer: '1' composer_home: '' xdebug: install: '0' settings: xdebug.default_enable: '1' xdebug.remote_autostart: '0' xdebug.remote_connect_back: '1' xdebug.remote_enable: '1' xdebug.remote_handler: dbgp xdebug.remote_port: '9000' blackfire: install: '0' settings: server_id: '' server_token: '' agent: http_proxy: '' https_proxy: '' log_file: stderr log_level: '1' php: agent_timeout: '0.25' log_file: '' log_level: '1' xhprof: install: '0' wpcli: install: '0' version: v0.19.0 drush: install: '0' version: 6.3.0 ruby: install: '1' versions: { } python: install: '1' packages: { } versions: { } nodejs: install: '1' npm_packages: - grunt-cli - bower hhvm: install: '0' nightly: 0 composer: '1' composer_home: '' settings: { } server_ini: hhvm.server.host: hhvm.server.port: '9000' hhvm.log.use_log_file: '1' hhvm.log.file: /var/log/hhvm/error.log php_ini: display_errors: on error_reporting: '-1' date.timezone: utc mysql: install: '0' settings: version: '5.6' root_password: 'some' override_options: { } adminer: 0 users: mysqlnu_4ljvghhv688f: name: 123 password: 'some' databases: mysqlnd_opuz0wjig2wj: name: sql: '' grants: mysqlng_gapwtqorf5s2: user: dbuser table: '*.*' privileges: - postgresql: install: '0' settings: global: encoding: utf8 version: '9.3' server: postgres_password: 'some' databases: { } users: { } grants: { } adminer: 0 mongodb: install: '0' settings: auth: 1 bind_ip: port: '27017' databases: { } redis: install: '0' settings: conf_port: '6379' sqlite: install: '0' adminer: 0 databases: { } mailcatcher: install: '0' settings: smtp_ip: smtp_port: 1025 http_ip: http_port: '1080' mailcatcher_path: /usr/local/rvm/wrappers/default from_email_method: inline beanstalkd: install: '0' settings: listenaddress: listenport: '13000' maxjobsize: '65535' maxconnections: '1024' binlogdir: /var/lib/beanstalkd/binlog binlogfsync: null binlogsize: '10485760' beanstalk_console: 0 binlogdir: /var/lib/beanstalkd/binlog rabbitmq: install: '0' settings: port: '5672' users: { } vhosts: { } plugins: { } elastic_search: install: '0' settings: version: 1.4.1 java_install: true solr: install: '0' settings: version: 4.10.2 port: '8984'
i had similar errors apache install on vagrant. in case because apache's document root did not exist (or symbolic link) @ time apache being installed apt-get.
i provisioning guest machine using bash script messed apache's root before installing apache, this:
# remove /var/www , recreate link vagrant root. rm -rf /var/www ln -fs /vagrant/sites /var/www # install apache. apt-get install -y apache2
i able fix problem reversing order, installing apache first changing it's document root.
like you, on ubuntu 14.04 , working me, broke.
sorry don't know puphpet. hope helps anyway.
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