python - Basic Variable Indexing -
how do simple index/array in python? example, in traditional basic language, have like
10 dim v(5) 20 n = 1 5:v(n)=2^n+1/n:? n,v(n):next
which output:
1 3.0 2 4.5 3 8.33333333333 4 16.25 5 32.2
if wanted weights of gaussian quadrature, do:
ul=5 [x,w] = p_roots(ul) n in range(ul): print n,w[n]
which works:
1 0.236926885056 2 0.478628670499 3 0.568888888889 4 0.478628670499 5 0.236926885056
but if try basic, seem be
ul=5 n in range(1,ul+1): v[n]=2**n+1.0/n print n,v[n]
which rejects as
v[n]=2**n+1.0/n nameerror: name 'v' not defined
and if try mimic gaussian example
ul=5 [v]=2**ul+1.0/ul n in range(1,ul+1): print n,v[n]
i get
[v]=2**ul+1.0/ul typeerror: 'float' object not iterable
in terms of arrays/indexing, isn't v[n] same w[n] (which works in example)? of python documentation seems jump more complicated cases, without providing more rudimentary examples above.
your errors seem clear: in first have not defined v @ (compare basic version used dim v) , in second have assigned v single value (2**ul+1.0/ul), not list of values.
however, should note python lists not arrays, , not size them. instead, compose them go appending. instance, in first version:
ul = 5 v = [] n in range(1,ul+1): v.append(2**n+1.0/n)
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