scala - Exceptions Thrown by Await#result -

given following code:

import spray.http._ import spray.client.pipelining._ import scala.concurrent.future  implicit val system = actorsystem() import system.dispatcher // execution context futures  val pipeline: httprequest => future[httpresponse] = sendreceive  val response: future[httpresponse] = pipeline(get("")) 

the following pseudo-code function waits 10 seconds, returning "good" if httpresponse returned, or "bad" on await#result exception (see docs.

import scala.concurrent.await import scala.concurrent.duration._  def f(fut: future[httpresponse]): string = {   try {      val result = await.result(fut, 10.seconds)     "good"   }   catch e @ (_: interruptedexception | _: illegalargumentexception         | _: timeoutexception ) => "bad" } 

in catch, necessary catch exception thrown await#result? in other words, not catching possible exceptions here?

the await.result can throw exceptions caught, however, if future awaits not complete successfully, forwards exception contained future. might want read blocking section here: futures , promises.

so yes, there may exceptions aren't catching, can result failed computation of httpresponse.

blocking in real code bad , should done testing purposes, if need to, recommend wrap await in scala.util.try manipulate elegantly later , keep information of when , why failed.


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